But with the destruction of Alduin albeit temporary, does the wheel not still turn? With Alduin's purpose thwarted for a time, the Dragonborn's destiny continues to ride upon the ever constant turning wheel of time unto the end of the kalpa, and the inevitable retelling of the story. As the prophecy of the Dragonborn says: "The world eater wakes, and the wheel turns upon the Last Dragonborn". This adventure will take the Last Dragonborn to far off lands across Tamriel and beyond into the very planes of Oblivion in fulfillment of their true destiny.
This 8 part serial storyline is a "post end game" adventure which picks up after the main quest of Skyrim, and Legacy's "Shattered Legacy" and "Trial of Trinimac" quest lines have completed. Odyssey of the Dragonborn is the long anticipated sequel to "Legacy of the Dragonborn" by Icecreamassassin and the Legacy / Odyssey team. Seven Fangs, LatorTazor, Abdubari, Rick M, Konna G

► CREDITS: A Special Thanks to my BIG Patron supporters: 🥤 Get 30% OFF GFuel with Code 'ESO' Here: 🤍 But will this hold us over until The Elder Scrolls 6 release date or will we be getting any more Creation Club Content from Bethesda between now and then? The release date for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary edition is 11.11.21.

Bethesda have said that Skyrim Anniversary Edition will be an update to Skyrim Special Edition, it will also include all the creation club content orignally released for Skyrim SE like Survival Mode. I’ll be breaking down each piece of new creation club content and what each one includes in this video. The main two questions are The Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind inspired Tribunal quest and The Elder Scrols Oblivion inspired Mythic Dawn questline where you venture into Oblivion. We also get more details on all the new unique weapons, spells, unique armor sets from daedric to dragonbone, themed houses/ player homes, mounts and quest mods that will be included. Bethesda just released yet another update on The Elder Scrolls Skyrim Anniversary Edition that revealed all the new creation club content DLC coming to Skyrim! This includes screenshots and Skyrim Anniversary gameplay details of each 26 new creation club DLC content that will be added to the game.